VC Music History Review!
VC - here are the pieces I've been playing for you in class. Use this guide to help you prepare for your quiz Friday. Medieval Time Period (400 - 1400ish) Notable composer: Hildegard Genre: Chant Notable Characteristics: A Cappella (no instruments) Usually in Latin Sung in unison choir (no harmonies) or soloist Very flow-y, no noticeable rhythm or pulse. Dies Irae chant: O Rubor Sanguinis by Hildegard: Another example of chant: Renaissance Time Period (1400 - 1600ish) Notable composer: Palestrina Genres: Motet, Madrigal Notable Characteristics: A cappella Harmonies! Rhythm is present but still very subtle. Motets have sacred text, madrigals have secular text Sicut Cervus by Palestrina (Motet) Almighty and Everlasting God by Gibbons (Motet) The Silver Swan by Gibbons (Madrigal) Fire, Fire by Morley (Madrigal) If Ye Loved Me by Tallis (Motet) ...