Rep Chorus 4th Period

RC4 Course Syllabus 2017 - 2018

Week of May 14

  • College research work is due to DW (electronically) FRIDAY
  • Piano recital is THURSDAY.
  • You'll have a chance to meet w/ Mr. d'Hav about college audition prep sometime this week. Not sure which day but it's a-comin'...


  • Piano recital is TUESDAY. 
  • Exam is WEDNESDAY. Bring a pencil. 

Everyone will be working on a piano piece for an in-class recital (stay tuned for the exact date!)

We'll also be working on the Irish Blessing, to sing for PA Awards (jrs & srs) and Graduation (srs only - see below for more info about graduation)

Jrs - in addition to piano, you'll be working with DW and Mr. d'Hav on getting ready for your college auditions next fall. More info to come in class this week.

Srs - in addition to piano, you'll have some theory lessons with Ms. Ginn + a project with DW. Stay tuned for more info this week!!

Mr. Timmerman expects all seniors + Phoenix to sing the Irish Blessing at Graduation. This will include a soundcheck at KSU in the days before graduation. We don't know the exact day/time yet... I will post that date here and send out a Remind as soon as I know it. Usually it's 1 - 2 days before Graduation, in the morning.

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